Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Here we go

I’m one of those people that real writers always make fun of.

I consider myself decently talented when it comes to the art of writing, however, so far I seem to start something new every 6 months, be really absorbed in the work for about oh, 3 weeks, then move onto my next bright story line. All while completing 0 out of the 5 projects I have started.

This is not only sad for the average person who considers themselves an above-average writer, but as a creative writing minor, the fact that I have had the drive to finish zero works that I have started is verging on pathetic.

So this time, ladies and gentleman, I’m going to try and stick with it in the form of a blog during my 6 months in Australia.  Ambitious goal, I know, but if I can’t stick with it for 6 months then I should probably just give it up altogether.

Maybe my lack of motivation before can be attributed to the lack of decent material when it comes to writing about personal things. “And this weekend, just like the last one, and probably the next one, I took shots at the thrill, things got weird, then I went home.”

Being in Australia though, I think I can find some pretty good material to work with. Not only that but I plan on using this blog as an excuse to put myself in as many ridiculous situations as possible. Lets hope I don’t end up in the Auzzie jail or anything, but if I do, I’ll be sure to inform the jail attendant that they don’t really need to punish me for trying to sneak into the Australian Version of the Grammys because  “I was just doing it for my blog… and besides, I needed somewhere to wear this great dress and jail is not the place I had envisioned for its debut.”

Anyways, I am now sitting in the Washington DC airport, not on my way to Australia yet, but on my way home from Colorado where I had an internship for a month. What was originally a travel day from hell got even worse when on the last leg of my trip, I got off the plane in DC to find out that the monsoons had pushed back my flight home by four hours.  I was excited to get back to a sunny humid NC where my tan could be perfected. But instead of getting tan during my 5 days back in CH I now get to work on my canoing skills as that is the only way to get to the flooded Starbucks. Not getting my coffee in the morning clearly isn’t an option.

While I understand that delays are to be expected when flying, they just are not acceptable when you have been up since FOUR AM and have only 5 precious days left in CH before you leave for six months. I tried to impress this upon the American Airlines service desk as I cried and stomped my foot a time or two, but they stared at me blankly, probably internally noting my need for a shower and some makeup instead of listening to anything that I was actually saying.

So now I am sitting here at a table staring at the stick figure models on Pinterest with an Aunt Anne’s Pretzel booth in front of me, a Dunkin’ Donuts to my left, and an ice cream shop to my right. If this and the four-hour layer isn’t torture, I don’t know what is.

Meanwhile, I am recovering from my last week in Colorado, which included a house/dog-sitting gig where the dog died on day two. Zero for one on pet sitting successes, but I guess in a way it worked out because I was allergic to the dog and my face was so swollen my mother informed me that “everyone would be sure I was being beaten by my boyfriend (not that you manage to keep those for long honey).“ While it is slightly evil to say that the dog’s passing worked out for both of us, it really was the poor dog’s time (he was 15), and I think he is happy in dog heaven now. Or that’s what I tell myself to feel better about the mishap.

Anyway, while this first blog post is a page and a half of tangents, it is getting posted. So that is already a step in the right direction. Soon enough, I’ll be off to Australia.

So until next time- stay ratchet my friends. I look forward to my last 5 days in CH.

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