Sunday, November 24, 2013

Farewell Australia

With Starbucks and froyo back in my routine, it's official that I have returned to life in Chapel Hill. When I'm not sleeping through all hours of the day trying to get over my jet lag, I am typically mourning the fact that I can't walk outside onto the world's best beaches. In fact, I can't walk outdoors without a parka on at this point because it is so frigid. Gotta love being back.

That being said, this last post is just a general collection of thoughts and observations I have collected after my time abroad.  

To start off with, there are many reasons why I would strongly recommend studying abroad in Aus: 

 1. Being exposed to a new culture and actually having the chance to live among a foreign group of people teaches you invaluable life lessons. Like don't drink too many wet pussy shots or you will end up in the hospital. I have also come to appreciate the fact that Australians really do seem to be the friendliest people in the world.

2. As I sat and people watched in the airport today- this next point has only been confirmed: Australians are very easy on the eyes compared to Americans. Part of this definitely has to do with the fact that even if someone is lacking natural beauty in Aus, they will at least assemble a decent outfit when facing the general public. Many have also dragged a comb through their hair in the past 24 hours. Dress for success people. Or at least try not to look homeless. 

3. The fact that I have had an entirely new city at my disposal means that I haven't had to ask myself "Should I go to DKE, Bobs, or He's Not Saturday night?" for the past 5 months. If that's not refreshing- then I don't know what is.

4. Homework didn't really seem part of the educational culture. See example given below:

Me: Hey professor, I am traveling to the Whitsunday's for spring break and will miss our quiz. Is there any way I can make it up or take it before I leave?

Professor: Quiz? Why would my class get in the way of your travels. Just go, I don't care about the quiz. 

Me: Blank faced stare back while in complete and utter disbelief at response

 which translates to the next point... 

5. Life has been a beach- what more could you ask for? 

6. If you are a baby like me- life without ALE ain't so bad either.    

Section 2- adjustment to life back in the US

1. To support myself through the depression I knew was bound to happen upon my return to the US, I hoarded approximately 8 packages of Tim Tams, and proceeded to sneak them into the country. Whenever I am missing Australia, at least I will have their fabulous chocolate. Together we will get through this. 

2. Hallelujah. DRYERS!! 

3. Being able to walk outdoors and not face imminent death from wildlife at every turn is somewhat refreshing. Also, I can't say that I miss having birds the size of small dogs trying to come steal my food. 

Aus's version of a squirrel running around campus...
  4. People dressed to impress for class in Australia. I'm talking hair done, cute dresses, and if you were really intense, maybe some heels. Having adjusted to this expectation, I have been walking around Chapel Hill in cute dresses and skirts only to realize that I look like I'm ready to go out compared to everyone in leggings and a hoodie. Actually utilizing my grossly large wardrobe instead of just staring at it as I throw on the same sweatshirt and shorts for class is a change that might actually stick around. Watch out UNC- I'm actually going to look like a girl for class. 

5. Given that I'm a princess and love attention, not having an accent is kind of the worst. 

All in all, living in Australia has been the most amazing 5 months. I didn't get to say goodbye to everyone I would have liked to because I was only back in Brisbane for 1 day before my departure, but I definitely have to thank the sailing team, Quest, and Kings College for making Aus such a great experience for me. This blog has attempted to keep you all up to date with my doings, however there is no way I could have included the full extent of how great it was/everything I did. I'll include a few more pictures at the end, and as usual, hope you all enjoy. 

Sunset over Byron Bay

Australian Football League game (weird mix b/w soccer and rugby)
Brisbane at night
Pictures of the Whitsunday's never get old
Blue mountains pretty amazing  
Classic Sydney Picture

More large fish I let within my vicinity

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